Monday, February 17, 2014

Guaranteed Method For Achieving Weight Loss and Fitness Goals

If I told you that there was a guaranteed method for achieving your weight loss and fitness goals, you would probably think that I sounded like one of those infomercials that bombard cable television, but believe it or not, there is one single thing that works and that is change.  It sounds pretty simple, but you have to realize there is a lot involved in the change process.  One of the first steps is getting real with yourself and recognizing the problem.  If what you are doing (or not doing) isn't working, then you need to do something about it or it will continue not to work.  There is actually a model called the Transtheoretical Model of Change.  This is a brief summary of the model:
  • Stage One:  Precontemplation
    • Does not plan to address the problem either because they don't realize they have a problem or they are not motivated to change.
  • Stage Two:  Contemplation
    • This person is thinking about changing their habits, but not immediately.  They are weighing the pros and cons for changing behavior and they are not ready to take action yet.
  • Stage Three:  Preparation
    • The person is ready to do something, so they start educating themselves about how they are going to take action.
  • Stage Four:  Action
    • This is the beginning stage of action.  The person is taking actions toward change, but not every action is beneficial and maybe just a few actions are addressing the health need.
  • Stage Five:  Maintenance
    • Major behavior changes have occurred and now the person is focusing on keeping the changes and avoiding relapsing into old habits.
  • Stage Six:  Termination
    • This person has completely changed their unwanted behavior or bad habits and they do not have any temptations to go back to their old habits.
Most people get hung up in the action stage because they start and then they can't find what works or they give up altogether.  Some people make it to the maintenance stage and people in this stage still have cravings for their old habit, but they remained focused on their positive behavior changes.  The termination stage is when a person has completely achieved the behavior change and the old behavior is no longer a part of their lives, it is like it was never there in the first place.  This model can be applied to any bad habit, whether it is overeating, not exercising, smoking, drugs, or even watching too much television.  The most important thing is to recognize what the problem is.

I have several people that are close to me that are addicted to food.  They will express that they want to exercise and lose weight, but they are not willing to give up their addiction.  That's like saying, "I'm going to the Olympics and I'm going to win a gold medal, but I'm not going to do any training."  How would that work out for you?  I've heard this too, "I was raised in the south and I'll exercise, but I'm not giving up my southern cooking."  Really?!!!  Come on, that makes absolutely no sense.
If you want to see real results, you have to change your entire lifestyle.  Change does mean giving up some things, but compromising on others.  The saying, "have you cake and eat it too" means that you can't possess the cake by having it and enjoy it by eating it.  You have to do one or the other.  You can possess the cake and look at it all you want, but if you choose to eat it, then it is gone.  My suggestion is to have your cake and find something else to eat that is just as satisfying and free of guilt. 

Change is hard, but the results are worth it.  Changing a behavior that is harmful to your health will likely prolong your life and add more life to your years. I love this quote from Benjamin Franklin, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today."  Please don't wait, change your life for the better.  Best wishes to your wellness!

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